Once there lived a pious Brahmin called Vishwanar alongwith his wife Suchishmati.  After due prayers, they were blessed with a male child. The child was named  Grahapati by all elders and eminent personalities.

Vishwanar performed all the sanskars (rituals) connected with child birth and upbringing of a child.  Upanayan Sanskar of Grahapati was  performed at the age of five and he was given Brahmopadesh.  The boy learnt all the vidyas from his Guru/father.

One day Sage Narad visited their house and was overwhelmed by the hospitality extended by Vishwanar and his family.  Sage Narad made Grahapati sit on his lap and examined him in detail.  Afterwards, Narad told the parents that the child had all the indications of a Raja Yog and all parts of his body, his mannerisms etc. pointed out to that.  But at the age of twelve, he will have to face a very serious threat to his life by Lightning (Agni).  After saying this, Sage Narad left their place.



On hearing this, both the parents were taken aback. Vishwanar fainted and his wife started weeping bitterly. On seeing their parents’ plight, Grahapati told them that he will go to Kashi and start worshipping Lord Shiva in his form of Mrityunjay.  He came to Kashi, took bath in Manikarnika Teerth and worshipped Lord Vishweshwar.

Soon Grahapati installed a Shiv Ling and started performing intensive Tapas to please Lord Shiva.  He performed abhishek with 108 pots of Ganges water on this ling and performed various poojas and archana with flowers and other ingredients.  He was on fast for several months at a stretch and this went on for two consecutive years till he attained the age of 12.  The danger time, prescribed by Sage Narada had approached.

Lord Indra appeared before Grahapati and offered him a divine wish. Grahapati respectfully stated that he was worshipping Lord Shiva and the latter can only grant him any wish or blessing and none else.  Lord Indra claimed that he was the only God who could bless him. Grahapati again politely repeated his words, which infuriated Lord Indra to such an extent that he attacked Grahapati with Vajraayud (thunderbolt).  Grahapati on account of the above attack, fell down unconscious.

Then Lord Shiva appeared before him and woke him up. Grahapati woke up as if he was awakened from a deep sleep and saw Lord Shiva in person standing before him.  Lord Shiva told Grahapati that the latter was put to test.  None of the devotees of Lord Shiva need to fear from any one as they are under the protection of the Almighty.  He told Grahapati that the latter would have the status of Deva.

The Ling installed by Grahapati will henceforth be known by the name of Agneeshwar Ling. A devotee who worships Agneeshwar Ling will not have any fear from lightning or fire.  He will not be faced with Akal Mrityu (untimely death).  If a person performs pooja etc. of Agneeshwar in Kashi, he will reach Agni Lok even if he dies elsewhere.  After saying all this, Vishweshar disappeared into the Agneeshwar Ling. (Kashi Khand, Chapter 11).




Kashi Khand, Chapter 11, Shlok 159


अग्नीश्वरं समभ्यर्च्य काश्यां सर्वसमृद्धिदम्

अन्यत्रापि मृतो दैवादग्निलोके महीयते


Agneeshwar, bestows all success and  achievements to devotees in Kashi. A divine devotee of Agneeshwar in Kashi resides respectfully in Agni Lok, even if he dies in any other place.






The temple is located at House No. Ck.2/1, Patani Tola, Bhosala  Ghat, Varanasi.  One can travel upto Chowk by Cycle Rickshaw and walk to this place via Sankata Devi Temple (famous landmark). Alternatively, devotees can approach the place by boat upto Bhosale Ghat/Ganesh Ghat near Mehta Hospital and climb up the steps.


The temple is open from 07.00 am to 9.00 a.m.  and in the evening from 06.00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Special poojas are performed on important days like Shivratri and certain Ekadasi days. Devotees can perform pooja as per their convenience. 



Kashi Khand, Chapter 100 states that devotees should undertake religious tour (Yatra) of eleven Shiv Lings. This Yatra is known as Ekadasha Maha Rudra Yatra. (Ekadasha means eleven).

Agni Dhruveshwar Ling is the first Ling in the above Yatra.  This Yatra should be undertaken as often as possible.

Devotees who worship Agni Dhruveshwar will attain Rudra Padavi (equivalent to Lord Rudra – Lord Shiva).

Agni Dhruveshwar (Jageshwar)



Agni Dhruveshwar is also known as Jageshwar Mahadev and is located at J.66/4, Ishwar Gangi. (Reference:  Book by Pt. Kedarnath Vyas). People can reach this place by rickshaw or auto as Ishwar Gangi/Jageshwar temple is quite famous. Another landmark is Adarsh School.  Agni Dhruveshwar (Jageshwar) Ling is a very huge Ling and probably the biggest Ling ever seen. This can be judged by the height of the man standing near the Ling.


Please watch our YouTube Video about Agni Dhruveshwar at following Link




The place of worship is open from 04.00 a.m. to 12.00 Noon and from 04.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Mangala Aarti is held at 05.00 a.m., Bhog Aarti at 12.00 p.m. and evening aarti at 07.00 p.m.



According to Kashi Khand, Chapter 69, the place where Lord Shiva wore the skin of Gajasur after slaying the latter, was called Rudra Vasam. (Kindly refer to Krithi Vaseshwar).

Once the Lord, in his form as Krithi Vaseshwar, was sitting alongwith Goddess Uma Devi when Nandi offered his prayers and stated that there are 68 places of worship dedicated to Lord Shiva in this holy place.  Various idols/Shiv Lings have been brought from several other places by Nandi and installed in Kashi.

From Ganga Sagar Teerth, one Ling by name of Amareshwar has appeared in the Holy city of Kashi. Devotees who worship this ling will lead a long and happy life, without any fear of untimely death.



This Ling is symbolic of Amarnath Shiv Ling and devotees who cannot travel to Amarnath will derive the same benefits if they pray to this Lord.




Kashi Khand, Chapter 69, Shlok 118


गङ्गा सागरतश्चायादमरेश इतीरितम्

लिङ्ग यद्दर्शनादेव नाऽमरत्वं हि दुर्लभम्


Amareshwar Ling has appeared in Kashi from Ganga Sagar Teerth.  A devotee who worships Holy Amareshwar Ling will attain rare immortality.





Amareshwar is located at B-2/20, behind Lolark Kund, Bhadaini.  People can travel almost upto Lolark (famous landmark) near Assi and behind Lolark is a building bearing the above number and this Ling is situated in the eastern side of the building below the ground level.


Please watch our YouTube Video about Amareshwar at following Link



This place is open for darshan throughout and devotees can perform pooja by themselves.


Once there was a Grihastha Rishi (one who leads a normal family life) named Shanaru in Kashi. He used to observe all the prayer codes as laid down in  Sanathana Dharma. He performed Brahma Yagnam, Linga Pooja and all the related rituals daily.

One day his son, Upajangini was playing in the nearby forest where he was bitten by a snake and the boy’s body went inert.  Totally crestfallen at his son’s death, the Sage brought the body to a place near Swarg Dwar in Kashi which was near Mahasmashan (cremation ground). He placed the boy in a mound of mud and started pondering on the next course of action regarding  the cremation.

Unknown to him, under the ground, there was a small Ling of the shape and size of a goose berry (amla). The Shiv Ling was so powerful that by its radiation, the boy Upajangini who was declared dead, got up as if from deep slumber. The sage was utterly surprised as to what had happened.  Precisely at that time, one snake passed through the muddy area with a dead worm in its mouth.  The moment the dead worm came into contact with the muddy area, it revived.

The sage wondered there must be something in that muddy area which he thought must contain Amrita Sanjivini (elixir capable of overcoming death).  He started digging the mud and found one small Ling of the shape and size of a goose berry.  The sage immediately took the Shiv Ling out of the mud, and after observing all the rituals, installed the Shiv Ling ceremonially.  He then started worshipping the Shiv Ling which was named by him as Amriteshwar.




According to Kashi Khand, Chapter 94, devotees who touch Amriteshwar Ling will attain Amritatva (victory over death).  The Shiv Ling has been described to be  so powerful as to make the dead people alive. It is also said that those who pray to Amriteshwar will have no fear of rebirth.



Kashi Khand, Chapter 94, Shlok 17

अमृतेश्वरसंस्पर्शान्मृता  जीवन्ति तत्क्षणात्

अमृतत्वं भजन्तेऽत्र  जीवन्त: स्पर्शमात्रत:


By coming into  contact with Amriteshwar, even dead persons become alive.  If a living person touches this Ling, he will attain immortality.



Further, in Kashi Khand, Chapter 73, Lord Shiva tells Goddess Parvaty about fourteen powerful Shiv Lings in Kashi which are capable of giving mukti to devotees.  Amriteshwar is first among the fourteen mentioned by Lord Shiva.


Amriteshwar is located at Ck.33/28, Neel Kant, Baccha Maharaj Ganga Putra House.  From Neelkanteshwar devotees will take a left turn (towards the eastern side) and after walking a few yards, they will come across a Kali Temple.  Amriteshwar is just opposite  the Kali temple. People can travel upto Chowk by rickshaw and walk upto this place. The temple is located close to Adi Chunchanagiri Mahasamsthana Shakha Mutt of Karnataka.

The place of worship also houses Amriteshwari Devi who finds mention in Kashi Khand, Chapter 70.


Please watch our YouTube Video about Amriteshwar at following Link




The place of worship is open throughout and devotees can perform pooja on their own.


Kashi Khand, Chapter 18 mentions that various Lings have been installed in the holy city of Kashi by great Rishis (Sages).  It is worth mentioning here that on account of intense prayers to the Lords, the Sages have attained divine powers.

In Harikes gardens, Sage Angeeras has installed a Shiv Ling which is known as Angeerayeshwar.




Devotees who worship this Ling will achieve Tejas (radiant energy) and will reach heaven after death.




Kashi Khand, Chapter 18, Shlok 20


हरिकेशवने रम्ये दृष्वैवान्गिरसेश्वरम्

इह लोके वसेद्विप्र तेजसा परिबृम्हित:


By having darshan of Angireshwar Linga in beautiful Harikesh forest, one gets abode in this (Prajapati) world after being filled with brilliance.





Angeerayeshwar is located at D-35/77, Jangambari Mutt, Jangambari, Varanasi.  This is a famous place and can be reached by rickshaw.  The Shiv Ling is located on the right side when a devotee enters the main gate.


Please watch our YouTube Video about Angeerayeshwar at following Link




The Ling is installed inside the premises of Jangambari Mutt. However, devotees can have darshan as per their convenience.  People can perform pooja on their own. Our enquiries revealed that the place of worship is open from 06.00 a.m. to 09.00 p.m.


On a request by Goddess Parvaty, Lord Shiva  described various Teerths (sacred ponds/lakes) and deities in Kashi. Lord Shiva told her all Lings are having  the divine powers of Teerths.

Lord Shiva described the power of Ashadeshwar Ling.  A devotee worshipping this Ling is cleansed of all his sins. (Kashi Khand 97).



Ashadeshwar temple is a stand alone temple and well maintained.  A multitude of devotees visit this temple.  While the ancient Ling (Kashi Khand) is available towards the back side of the temple, within the last century some noble person has installed a Ling within the sanctum sanctorum of the temple.  Devotees worship both the Lings.




Kashi Khand, Chapter 55, Shlok 27


आषाढिनार्चितं लिङ्गमाषाढीश्वरसंज्ञिकम् 

दृष्ट्वाऽऽषाढ्या नरो भक्त्या सर्वै: पापै: प्रमुच्यते


A person becomes sinless by having a devotional darshan of the Ashadishwar Ling, installed  by the Ashadi Shiv Gana, on the day of Ashadi Purnima.





The temple is located at K.63/53, Kashipura. People can travel almost upto this place by rickshaw through a place called Lohatia. Another approach is through Jyestha Gauri where people can cross Bhoot Bhairav and take a left turn to reach this place.  It is advisable to combine visit of this temple alongwith darshan of other deities in the vicinity.


Please watch our YouTube Video about Ashadeshwar at following Link




The temple is open from 05.00 a.m. in the morning to 11.30 a.m. and from 05.00 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.  The timings are flexible.  Aarties are held in the morning and evening.



This ling is referred to as Aswaniyeshwar in Kashi Khand which mentions two Lings.  According to Kashi Khand, Surya was born to Kashyap and Dakshayani.  Surya married  Sangya, who was very devoted to her husband, as is expected of dutiful wives.

In due course, two sons and one daughter were born to them. The first one was a boy named Vaivasvathamanu, second again a boy named Yamraj and third was a girl named Yamuna.  However, Sangya somehow felt that the heat emanating from Surya was increasingly becoming unbearable.

Sangya created a clone of herself who was named Chhaya (shadow). She was an alter ego (splitting image) of Sangya.  Under instructions from Sangya, Chhaya was to perform the role of Sangya, spend her life as wife of Surya, without disclosing the secret to any one.  She was also expected to take good care of the above three children. After getting an assurance from Chhaya, Sangya went away to her father’s house.

After some time, Chhaya gave birth to three children of which the second one was Shani.  But once her own children were born she started showing lesser and lesser love to the children of Sangya.  Surya came to know about this and got extremely angry whereupon, Chhaya divulged the secret.  However, considering her innocence, Surya pardoned her.

Surya went in search of Sangya who was undergoing severe and intense penance. Due to poor eating and fasting her body had assumed the shape of a mare and Surya disguised himself as a horse (Ashwa in Sanskrit).  In this state, two children were born to them who were twins and came to be known as Aswani Kumars. They are also the divine physicians. Surya later pardoned Sangya also. (Kashi Khand Chapter 17).

Ashwini Kumareshwar New


In due course, the Aswani Kumars installed two lings which are collectively known as Aswaniyeshwar (Aswani Kumareshwar) and a devotee who worships these Lings will receive all kinds of blessings. (Kashi Khand, Chapter 97).


The temple is located at House No. Ck.2/26, Opp. Ganga Mahal, Bhosala  Ghat, Varanasi.  One can travel upto Chowk by Cycle Rickshaw and walk to this place via Sankata Devi Temple (famous landmark). Alternatively, devotees can approach the place by boat upto Bhosala Ghat and climb up the steps.


The temple is open from 06.00 am to 9.00 p.m. Devotees can perform pooja as per their convenience.


Goddess Parvaty requested Lord Shiva to describe various Teerths (sacred ponds/lakes) and deities in Kashi. Lord Shiva told her that all Lings are bearing the divine powers of Teerths.



Somewhere to the north of Visweshwar  is Avadhooteshwar Teerth and Avadhooteshwar Ling.  Devotees worshipping this Ling are sure to attain ultimate knowledge.  In the present day context, this may mean a good education.  This ling is mentioned to be in the vicinity of Pasupateshwar Ling. (Kashi Khand Chapter 97)



The temple is located at Ck. 13/85, Opp. Pasupateshwar, Pasupateshwar Galli. The locality is named after the famous Pasupateshwar Ling. People can travel upto chowk area by rickshaw and walk on foot upto this temple. This temple is a famous landmark.


The temple remains open practically throughout. Devotees can have darshan through the grill window.


Varanasi or Kashi is known as Avi Mukta Kshetra and a person who dies here attains Moksha and has no rebirth.  There has been  a lot of discussions and doubts raised in various places whether Avimukteshwar temple is the main temple or the Vishwanath Temple.  In ancient texts and granths, Avimukteshwar temple has been given importance.




(Towards the left of three Golden coloured Gopuram is a large space.  There is one Ling in the centre of the space.  This is Avimukteshwar).

It is stated in ancient texts that a person having the darshan of Avimuktheshwar Ling is relieved of all his Paap Karmas of several generations and has no rebirth.  It is also believed that Bhagvan Vishwanath performs pooja of Avimukteshwar every day.   Avimuktheshwar ling finds mention in Ling Puran, Kashi Khand, as also in Brahma Vaivart Puran.







Kashi Khand, Chapter 39, Shlok 83


अविमुक्ते महाक्षेत्रे अविमुक्तमवलोक्य च

त्रिजन्मजनितं पापं हित्वा पुण्यमयो भवेत्


The person who worships Avimukteshwar Linga in Avimukta Mahakshetra, he renounces the sins of three births and becomes virtuous.




According to historical evidences, there was a magnificent temple of Avimukteshwar Ling and in this premises Vishweshwar Ling was also present.  Devotees had darshan of both lingas in the same premises.  But there was a bout of destructions during Mughal period and the Avimukthshwar Ling may not be in the same place as envisaged in Kashi Khand.


Presently Avimukteshwar Ling is situated in the same premises of Vishwanath Temple viz. Ck-35/19, Chowk, Varanasi. Regarding directions to reach this temple, devotees may kindly refer to  Visweshwar temple.


The temple is open for worship practically throughout the day and aarties (deep aradhana) are performed at various times.


Since 1983, the management of the temple has been taken over by District Administration. The temple was in a congested premises and recently, a compound wall has been demolished to give more leg space and elbow room to the devotees.


Lord Shiva was describing the importance of Trilochan Ling (Kashi Khand, Chapter 75) and in the process there is mention of several other Shiv Lings in the vicinity of Trilochan.

In the vicinity of Trilochan is one big Shiv Ling is known as Balmikeshwar. Devotees who worship Balmikeshwar will be free from all worries and despair.

Balmikeshwar (Trilochan)




Balmikeshwar is located in Trilochaneshwar Temple premises at A-2/80, Trilochan Ghat.  The temple is approachable from Machhodari after crossing which devotees can travel upto Birla Hospital and take a right turn.  Devotees can travel by Auto or Cycle Rickshaw. Alternatively, they can have a boat ride upto Trilochan Ghat and climb the steps.

One point needs to be mentioned here.  There is another Balmikeshwar Ling in the premises of Heramb Vinayak which is also worshipped with fervour but the location given in Kashi Khand points out to Trilochan. 

Balmikeshwar (Heramba Vinayak)



The temple is open for worship 05.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 05.00 p.m. to 11 p.m.  Mangala Aarti is performed at 05.30 a.m. and Shayan Aarti at 11.00 p.m.

Taking bath in Padodak Koop on Akshay Tritheeya day and performing pooja of Trilochan and other Lings is very auspicious and there is heavy rush on the above day even now. Jal Shringar is done on Akshay Tritheeya Day which is very well worshipped by devotees.

For doing special pooja etc., it is advisable to consult the Poojari before hand.

Temple Details
  • A. Introduction
  • About Kashi Khand
  • Kashi Yatra performed by South Indians
  • Importance of immersion of mortal remains (Asthi) in Ganga