Once there was a discussion among various Sages (Rishis) as to which is the most divine river. There were four important rivers, Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati and Narmada. The unanimous answer was Ganga. Ganga was symbolic of Rig Veda, Yamuna symbolic of Yajur Veda and Narmada of Sama Veda.
She came to Kashi, installed a Ling near Trilochaneshwar near Pilpila Teerth and started invoking Lord Shiva, who appeared before her and granted her a divine wish. Narmada only craved for the divine bhakti and darshan of the Lord.
Lord Shiva granted that all stones in the river bed of Narmada will be treated as Shiv Ling. He granted her one more divine wish. A devotee who takes bath in Ganga is cleansed of his sins. A devotee who takes bath in Yamuna for one week is cleansed of his sin and one who takes bath for three days in Saraswati becomes pure. However, if a devotee simply sees the river Narmada he will be cleansed of his sins.
Lord Shiva also granted that the Ling established by Narmada would be called as Narmadeshwar. This Ling will be capable of granting Mukti to its devotees. Merely by looking at this Ling, a devotee will be cleansed of all his sins. After saying this, Lord Shiva disappeared into this Ling. (Kashi Khand, Chapter 92).
Lord Skanda who was narrating this to Sage Agasthya said that a girl who even listens to the Mahatmya or reads this chapter relating to Narmada will be cleansed of her sins.
Narmadeshwar is located at A-2/79, behind Trilochan. People can travel upto this place by rickshaw upto Prahlad Ghat Chauraha and approach this place via Trilochan which is a famous landmark.
Narmadeshwar is a stand alone temple which is open from 06.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. and from 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Aarti is held in the evening.
Shri Kashinath is the poojari of the temple.
Chapter 69 of Kashi Khand describes various Lings which were originally stationed elsewhere but have been installed in Kashi by Nandi. This chapter is very important.
From Kalanjar mountains, Neelkanth Ling has been installed in Kashi. By worshipping this Ling, the devotees become equivalent to Lord Neelkanth (Lord Shiva).
Kashi Khand, Chapter 69, Shlok 60
नीलकण्ठेश्वरं लिङ्गं काश्यां यै: परिपूजितम
नीलकण्ठास्त एव स्युस्त एव शशिभूषणा:
Those who worship Neelkanteshwar Ling in holy city of Kashi, themselves become Neelkant and Chandrabhushan (Lord Shiva).
Neelkantheshwar is located at Ck.33/23, Neelkanth Mohalla. The locality has been named after Neelkantheshwar temple. Presently, this ling is inside the extended Kashi Vishwanath Corridor and photography is not allowed.
There is another Neelkanteshwar Ling which is located in a small room just outside Kedareshwar temple on the steps towards Ganges. This Ling is also worshipped with all religious fervour.

The temple is open from 05.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 04.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Aarties are performed in the morning and evening.
According to Kashi Khand, Chapter 97, Lord Shiva was narrating various Teerths (Sacred Ponds) and Shiv Lings in Kashi.
Towards the South of Visweshwar Nikumbeshwar is located. This deity keeps a watchful eye in the region and blesses the devotees. Kashi Khand advises devotees to worship this deity without fail.
Nikumbeshwar is located inside Parvaty temple in the premises of Visweshwar temple at Ck.35/19. Regarding directions to reach this place, kindly refer Visweshwar temple. One point needs to be mentioned. This Ling is mentioned in the Kashi Khand towards the South of Visweshwar. Historically, Visweshwar Temple has been relocated to the present place.
The place of worship is open practically throughout the day. Devotees can only worship this deity. Visweshwar temple, where Nikumbeshwar is located, is under the management of Distt. Administration and is under intense Police regulations. Devotees may not get much time to perform any special pooja etc.
On a request by Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva narrated the various deities/Shiv Lings/Teerths (Sacred Ponds) spread over the expanse of Kashi. (Kashi Khand, Chapter 97).
Kashi Khand mentions one Panchanadeshwar Ling in the vicinity of Mangala Gauri. This Ling is called as Pancha Gangeshwar by the locals.
Devotees who worship Pancha Gangeshwar (Panchanadeshwar) will be blessed with all sorts of happiness in life.
Panchanadeshwar (Pancha Gangeshwar) is located at K.22/11, below Tailang Swamy Mutt. Without entering the Mutt premises, if a devotee moves around the premises, this Shiv Ling can be seen somewhat below the ground level through a grill gate. There is also a big Shiv Ling inside the Bindu Madhav temple premises which, the locals say, is Pancha Gangeshwar.
Devotees can travel upto Bhaironath by rickshaw and walk upto this place by enquiring about Tailang Swamy Mutt. If they travel by boat, they may get down at Panch Ganga Ghat and climb the steps.
The place of worship is open practically throughout.
Kashi Khand has described the importance of the area included under Pancha Krosha Kshetra which is considered to be the most pious area. In Chapter 26, this area is described to contain the Avimukta Kshetra, housing Visweshwar Temple. Further, Lord Shiva has described the area coming under Pancha Krosha as very dear to him. The importance of this area has been amply described in various other Purans also.
Kashi Khand, in Chapter 100 has prescribed various Yatras (religious tours like Shiva Ling Yatras, Ekadasa (eleven) Ling Yatras, Antargrihi Yatra, Gauri Yatra, Surya Yatra, Bhairava Yatra, Vishnu Yatra etc.
One important Yatra being undertaken by the religious devotees in and around Kashi is the Pancha Krosha Yatra which takes a circumambulation around Kashi Kshetra. This tour involves about five days and devotees worship 128 deities on the way. The tour is indeed tedious and to avoid hardship, people undertake this tour by car or other conveyance to finish the trip in one day.
Pancha Krosha Yatra, per se, has not been mentioned in Kashi Khand, though this finds mention in other Purans like Brahma Vaivart Puran (Kashi Rahasya), Koorma Puran etc. However, local devotees hold Pancha Krosha Yatra in high esteem and it is reckoned with almost synonymous with Kashi Khand. Therefore, the compiler is pleased to write about this.
There are various religious groups undertaking this Yatra. Experienced seniors sometimes lead the group of people or they depend on some people to take them around the various places.
For those who are not in a position to undertake the extensive tour (for reasons like physical strain, lack of time etc.), there is one Pancha Krosha Temple in Kashi where all the 128 deities are available in miniature form. The Shiv Ling is supposed to be made of sphatik stone (crystal stone) with both Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvaty’s symbolic presence. According to local pundits, worshipping this temple as per the schedule of Pancha Krosha Yatra is equivalent to undertaking the full fledged Yatra.
Pancha Krosha Temple is located at Ck.5/32, Gola Gully, behind Kashmiri Mal Haveli. Devotees can travel upto Chowk by rickshaw and travel to this place on foot. Kashmiri Mal Haveli is a famous locality.
The temple is open from 06.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. and from 04.30 p.m. to 09.00 p.m. The timings are flexbile. Aarties are conducted in the morning and evening.
According to one of the Poojaries, this temple has been in existence for several centuries.
After the few batches of Shiv Gans failed to return, Lord Shiva sent few more batches of Shiv Gans from Mandarachal to Kashi. (Regarding deputation of Shiv Gans to Kashi, devotees are requested to refer to Kukkuteshwar Ling).
These Shiv Gans also decided to settle down in Kashi and they installed Shiv Lings which came to be known after their names. One Shiv Ling named Panchaksheshwar was installed in the vicinity of Trilochaneshwar.
Kashi Khand, Chapter 55 states that a devotee who worships Panchaksheshwar will always be respected in his community.
Panchaksheshwar is located near Trilochaneshwar Temple at Trilochan Ghat and is also known as Rudraksheshwar. The temple is approachable from Birla Hospital after Machhodari upto which place, people can travel by Auto or Cycle Rickshaw. Alternatively, they can have a boat ride upto Trilochan Ghat and climb the steps and enter the gully. The municipal number of the temple premises is A-2/56 and there is a hand pump nearby.
The temple is open for worship 05.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 05.00 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Once Goddess Parvaty asked Lord Shiva the reason for all round happiness in Kashi. Lord Shiva replied that in various other places, if there is a Shiv Ling, there will be happiness in the area in the radius of about 10 miles. Whereas in Kashi there are Shiv Lings all over the place and thus the happiness is manifold. This is one of the reasons for Kashi to be referred to as Ananda Van. A person who installs a Shiv Ling in Kashi will enjoy ultimate happiness.
Hearing this, Goddess Parvaty expressed her desire to install one Shiv Ling and sought permission from Lord Shiva. If a pativrata wife (wife fully devoted to her husband) does a good job after getting due permission from her husband, she will be successful in her venture. After getting permission, Goddess Parvaty installed a Shiv Ling, near Mahadev Ling, which came to be called as Parvateeshwar.
Kashi Khand, Chapter 93 states that a devotee who worships Parvateeshwar is cleansed of even the worst sin of Brahma Hatya. The devotee who regularly worships this Ling will himself take form of a Shiv Ling in Kashi after his death.
Special importance has been attached to Chaitra Month (March-April) Shukla Paksha Triteeya (3rd day after Amavasya) and Kashi Khand has stated the importance of the ritual in the following shlok.
Kashi Khand, Chapter 90, Shlok 22
चैत्र शुक्ल तृतीयायां पार्वतीशसमर्चनात्
इह सौभाग्यमाप्नोति परत्र च शुभाम् गतिम्
Performing pooja of Paarvateeshwar on Chaitra Month, Shukla Paksha Triteeya will give all fortune to the devotee in this world as also beneficial status in heaven.
Parvateeshwar is located at A-3/92, Aadi Mahadev, Trilochan. The temple is approachable from Birla Hospital after Machhodari upto which place, people can travel by Auto or Cycle Rickshaw. Alternatively, they can have a boat ride upto Trilochan Ghat and climb the steps.
Please watch our YouTube Video about Parvateeshwar at following Link
The temple is open from 05.00 a.m to 9.00 p.m. Mangala Aarti is performed at 05.00 a.m., Shringar at 06.30 a.m., and Aarti at 07.00 a.m. The temple is open till 09.00 p.m.
Kashi Khand Chapter 100 describes various places of worship and various types of religious tours which should be undertaken by devotees.
According to Kashi Khand devotees should undertake Antargrihi Yatra daily whereby they have to worship various deities.
After worshipping Vasukeeshwar, devotees are advised to worship Parvateshwar whereby they will be blessed with all round happiness.
Parvateshwar is located at K-7/156, Scindia Ghat. People can travel upto Chowk by rickshaw and walk upto this place by foot through Atma Veereshwar temple which is a famous landmark. Alternatively, they can take a boat ride upto Scindia Ghat and walk up the steps.
Devotees should not confuse this deity with Parvateeshwar which is mentioned elsewhere.
The place is open for worship from 05.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and from 06.00 p.m. to 09.00 p.m.
According to Kashi Khand, Chapter 61, Lord Vishnu describes various sacred ponds and deities around Manikarnika Teerth. Towards the north of Manikarnika is the Pasupath Teerth. Devotees should take bath in this Teerth, perform rituals for their forefathers and worship Pasupateshwar.
Pasupateshwar is a huge Swayambhu Ling not vertical or erect but is a protrusion and covers a large suface area. Persons worshipping Pasupateshwar are blessed with all sorts of happiness in life and they are free from all bondages.
Special importance has been given to Chaitra month, a day before Poornima. Devotees are advised to observe fast on this day.
Kashi Khand, Chapter 79 states that Lord Shiva resides in various Lings at various times. In the twilight time, Lord Shiva resides in Pasupateshwar Ling. So worshipping Pasupateshwar at this time is very beneficial to the devotees.
Kashi Khand, Chapter 79, Shlok 93
सायं पाशुपतीं संध्यां कुर्यां पशुपतीश्वरे
विभूतिधारणात्तत्र पशुपाशैर्न वध्यते
Lord Shiva says, “during twilight time I perform Shaivi-Sandhya prayers at Pashupateeshwar and during that time by merely applying vibhuti (sacred ash) at the holy place, the devotee is freed from worldly bondages”.
The temple is located at Ck. 13/66, Pasupateshwar Galli. The locality is named after this famous Ling. People can travel upto chowk area by rickshaw and walk on foot upto this temple. This temple is a famous landmark.
Please watch our YouTube Video about Pasupateshwar at following Link
The temple remains open practically throughout the day. There is special Shringar on Chaitra Month, Shukla Paksha, Chaturdasi (as laid down in Kashi Khand). There is also special pooja on Rang Bhari Ekadasi (Ekadasi day before Holi festival).
On an humble request by Goddess Parvaty, Lord Shiva described the various Teerths (Sacred Ponds) and Shiv Lings in the Holy City of Kashi. (Kashi Khand, Chapter 97).
Kashi Khand mentions one Pawaneshwar Ling among various other Shiv Lings. All these Lings are capable of giving Siddhi (mystic accomplishments) and many powers to the devotees.
A devotee who worships Pawaneshwar Ling, will attain Siddhi. Siddhi means ultimate knowledge and power for a devotee.
Pawaneshwar is located at K.63/14, Bhoot Bhairav Mohalla. The ling is under the ground and there is a flight of steps leading to the Ling from ground level. Devotees can reach this place by travelling upto Kashi Devi temple/Bula Nala/Lohatia by rickshaw and walk on foot upto Jyeshta Gauri/Bhoot Bhairav.
The temple is open in the morning from 06.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. and 06.00 p.m. to 08.00 p.m. The timings are flexible. Devotees can perform pooja etc. on their own.